Graduate Information System


Thesis Writing and Formatting Guide

Graduate School requires students to submit a complete copy of their thesis and one book and upload the entire thesis file to the PSU Knowledge Bank. If students wish to submit more than one thesis, they can attach additional approval pages, up to 5 copies from now (March 2021) onwards.

Source : Graduate School Website
Download : Thesis Template 
Download : Minor Manual

Graduate School Forms (GS Forms)

HUSO Forms (HS Forms)


Conditions for Master's Degree:

  1. Passed the English Proficiency Assessment
  2. Completed the curriculum requirements and GPAX ≥ 3.00 (except for Plan A, Option A1)
  3. Thesis Proposal Examination Result and Thesis/Research Study Grade are S or X, and in the case of a Master’s Degree, Plan B, a Comprehensive Examination must be passed.
  4. There are research works published according to the specified regulations, curriculum, scholarship requirements, or others.

Conditions for Doctoral Degree :

  1. Passed the English Proficiency Assessment
  2. Passed the Qualification Examination
  3. Completed the curriculum requirements and GPAX ≥ 3.00
  4. Thesis Proposal Examination Result and Thesis Defense Examination have a grade of S or X for the Thesis/Research Study subject.
  5. There are research works published according to the specified regulations, curriculum, scholarship requirements, or others.


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